
Father mourns 7-year-old daughter drowned by her mother

HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — A father is mourning his 7-year-old daughter Piper, who was drowned by her mother a month ago.

Police said Brandi Elliott confessed to killing a woman in Drakes Creek on the greenway in Hendersonville.

Now her father, Jon Elliott, who stayed home to raise Piper, hopes her memory will live on.

“I’m proud of the little girl I raised. I’m just sad she’s gone. I miss her,” he told us.

He said she was a huge fan of music, fishing, dancing, Disney princesses, and anything Gordon Ramsey. She was also very loving and affectionate, even winning the “best hug” award at school.

“She was only 7 years old and she had already brightened so many people’s days and touched their lives,” he said.

A memorial left for Piper near Sanders Ferry Road, where she was lost, has grown every day since she left. Community members soon hope to install a bench and plaque in her honor and name a nearby path “Piper’s Pathway.”

Her father said Piper’s funeral will be next Saturday.

Her mother, Brandi Elliott, remains in jail on a first-degree murder charge.

Do you have more information on this story? You can email me at [email protected].

At Over 80, Legally Blind, Franklin Woman Still Crochets for Those in Need

“Here’s a wonderful story that proves that everyone has something to offer, regardless of age OR personal challenges. Our Austin Pollack introduces us to Ms. Sylvia Mooney. At 80 years old, she’s not sitting idle. Instead, she’s using her skills to create compassion for others…one stitch at a time. Her crochet creations go to nonprofits to help our homeless neighbors. You’ll be surprised to learn that she does all this while battling serious health issues. Way to go Sylvia!”

-Rhori Johnston